- Pakistan Pilgrim Visa Guide for 126 Countries

- First click Visa prior to arrival category https://visa.nadra.gov.pk/visa-prior-to-arrival/– it is advised not to use other link if you fall in 126 countries list
- Then click Sikh Pilgrims button
- Then click “Apply Now” button https://visa.nadra.gov.pk/visa-prior-to-arrival-sikh-pilgrim/
*No invitation, no visa fee and get visa in 24 hours – fill all names including middle name as on passport
Visa Category: Visa Prior to Arrival
Pilgrim visa duration and validity time is same as tourist visa and same for whole Pakistan
Visa Type: Entry
Visa Category: Visa Prior to Arrival (if you fall in 126 countries list)
Sponsor Name: Sikh Heritage Tours
Sponsor Address: # 28 PL, Siddiq Trade Center, Gulberg 2, Lahore, Pakistan
Sponsor Email: info@sikhheritagetours.ca
Sponsor citizenship ID #
Sponsor Tel: +92 3469790155
Hotel name & Address: Royal Swiss Hotel, opposite Cargo Complex, Allama Iqbal International Airport, Lahore, Punjab 54800
District: Lahore
Hotel Tel: +92-42) 111 000 329
The following Documents are required for visa processing
- Passport (proper Scanned Copy First Page)
- Photograph as per photo guide given below
- No other supporting documents required – so do not upload anything else
Photo Guide
To verify your photograph whether qualify for visa processing or not please follow the following link: https://visa.nadra.gov.pk/photograph-guide/
For photograph you don’t have to go to specialist photograph shop – this can be done at home by your own camera
How to Download Visa
- Log in
- Existing
- Granted
- Last Tab (click download)
General Info:
- All files should be in jpg – photo in png
- Any other additional supporting document is not essential but sometimes helps
- Visa processing time is 2 weeks
- Pilgrim/ Tourist no visa fee for 126 countries – others fee is 60 USD or in equivalent currency
- Skip the other columns that are not mandatory to fill
- You may apply e-Visa even from second country or you are away from homeland
- In case of Indian Passport with second country PR should remain in country till got visa – immigration may question about personal appearance
- In case of second country PR but Indian passport, it is advised to get police registered at any city within Pakistan after arrival (subject to government advise)
- For Indian passport holders (no other PR), then they should apply through their local committees and visas are managed by the either side governments – this works on quota allocation basis on both sides
Visa Validity & Duration of Stay:
- Multiple visa is issued for 90 days that means you may stay 90 days in Pakistan
- Visa validity is 3 months that means you may enter within 3 months after visa issuance date
- Visa is multiple entries by default
Visa Extension:
Please go to same form where you applied visa and select application type as extension